The ASTONS real estate company provides comprehensive real estate brokerage services. Due to our rich experience, knowledge and continuous training we are ready to help our clients in the sale, rental or purchase of many types of properties.
By entrusting us with the sale, purchase or rental of any property the key element of success is our agents creating an effective strategy for the sale, purchase or rental of a given property.
At this point, it is important to carefully look into our client's motivation and expectations. Considering selling a property, it is crucial to assess a local market, the possibilities of reaching a given price, the market’s demand and its anticipated trend and its supply of similar properties. All this must be confronted with the client's expectations regarding the expected price and the time of the transaction. On the basis of all these information and our conversations with our clients, we propose an appropriate sales strategy to meet our clients' expectations in the fullest possible way and to make the sale as profitable as possible.
An extremely important role in selling a property plays home staging. Behind these words lies getting the most out of the offered property with a relatively low cost, which can have a positive effect on the interest in the property by potential buyers. This is - in other words - gaining the advantages from the inside of a given property, which with increased interest may result in a higher selling price.
Home staging is worth it, because this procedure often allows you to obtain at least a few percent of a higher price in relation to the price level that you would expect without taking any action in this field.
Sometimes it is enough to properly rearrange the space, add certain elements to the equipment or even dispose some of them. Sometimes it is good to refresh the interior, repaint the walls, undertake certain modifications or minor renovations. Each case is different and depends on the condition and potential of a given property.
We have experience in this regard. We are convinced that proper home staging can help in the final sales success.
In the real estate market, the real estate rights are sold, bought, rented or leased. These rights and the rules of trading of them are very often described by the legislator. What is more, notaries in Poland watch over trading of these rights.
However, the lack of proper and additional legal services on this market may lead to misunderstandings between the parties, inaccurate optimization of sales, lease or purchase strategies and even damage caused by incorrect legal analysis of a given property or a given legal situation and customer expectations.
It should be noted that the specifics of the real estate market is, among others, dependent on the diverse legal environment in which this market occurs. The regulations of both private and public law, including administrative and tax law, apply here.
The ASTONS real estate company is co-owned by an experienced broker with a law degree. We make every effort to ensure that each case the customer approaches us with is recognized clearly in legal terms. We consider each case individually because we know perfectly well that every property is different and is bound by a different legal situation.
Appropriate real estate valuation is closely related to the success in the real estate market. It is said that the key to success in the real estate market is its proper valuation. Carrying out a professional property valuation is extremely important as it determines the next steps taken in the sale, purchase or rental of any real estate.
Real estate objects are complex, specific and relatively difficult to valuate. There are no two identical and even very similar properties. The difficulty of property valuation results – among others - from relatively few properties on a given local market, relative scarcity of transactions in this market, significant impact of credit access on prices or delayed supply response to changes in demand. Very often, the value of a given property does not correspond to its final price, which is often caused by the parties' motivations of a purely subjective nature observed mainly in the housing market.
The ASTONS real estate company is well aware of the specifics of the real estate market and uses its knowledge and experience in analyzing the expected price of a given property. We use the method of comparing prices in the valuation process not only for asking prices, but also for transaction prices, that is the actual prices agreed by the parties, which often may even significantly differ from the prices offered. In justified cases (mainly on the commercial market) we also use income methods in assessing the value, and therefore we estimate the value of a property in terms of chances of achieving a certain constant income by a property.
In order to sell a property, you have to advertise it effectively. The ASTONS real estate company assumes covering all advertising and marketing costs for our clients. We believe that the commission settlement system for success in the case of a transaction is the optimal and most honest model in which the agent’s success is the same as the client's. That is why we are particularly interested in effective advertising of a property. For this purpose, we publish our offers on many advertising portals, including all those which lead or stand out in the industry. Recently, we have observed drastic increases in the prices of publishing offers by the most important portals. Very often, prices have risen by more than 1 000 %! A large share of real estate companies therefore refrained from publishing their offers on particular portals thereby reducing their chances of selling or renting a property. Leaving aside the merits of significant price increases, the ASTONS real estate company decided to continue to cooperate with all major advertising portals.
In advertising, however, we do not limit ourselves only to expensive publication of offers on portals. We get in touch with many potential investors and clients. We work actively to attract potential customers because we realize that this will largely affect our success. We also use means to support sales, such as banners or positioning in search engines.
In our work we focus on the quality preparation of our offers. We photograph real estate using a high-quality camera with a wide-angle lens. When necessary, we use photos taken from a drone.
The ASTONS real estate company makes every effort to carry out a marketing campaign of the offered properties in a comprehensive, modern and effective manner.
Regardless of whether we provide brokerage services in the sale, purchase or rental of any real estate, the supervision of any brokerage activities undertaken is carried out by a licensed real estate broker with a legal sciences degree. Such supervision covers the period from the conclusion of the brokerage contract to the final handing the property over to the new owner or tenant.
However, this supervision lasts longer as part of the after-sales service on our indications regarding the rewriting of utility meters, tax settlement, notifications to certain offices and authorities and meeting other formalities related to the period after the transfer of ownership or after leasing a property.
The ASTONS real estate company realizes that the sale, purchase or rental of any real estate is a process consisting of many, often complicated activities and operations, which is why we believe that the professional supervision of these activities is indispensable.
In most cases, the purchase of real estate involves lending money. The use of an external source of financing is a very important decision resulting in the repayment of such a loan often for several decades. Such a decision is burdened with a number of credit and around-credit costs and should be taken after analyzing many parameters, which include: the amount of the proposed credit and its interest rate, the amount of own contribution, documents required by a bank, credit period, amount of installments to be repaid and their structure, a method of calculating the interest rate and a bank's margin, requirements for collateral, various fees and charges, insurance costs, possibility of extending the loan, negotiation possibilities.
The ASTONS real estate company cooperates with reliable and independent credit advisors who are able to choose the most optimal crediting model taking into account not only the above-mentioned parameters. A professional who deals with mortgages on a daily basis is able to present to our clients the most cost-effective credit options of various banks and advise on the accuracy of choosing one of them.
Credit advisors we work with handle all the paperwork in one place. They are ready to come to the place of residence or work of our customers to streamline the entire credit process. They do not collect any fees from our clients.
The ASTONS real estate company is aware of the significance of the decision on the choice of a credit and the related cutting-cost opportunities which is why we recommend to our clients reliable and independent credit advisors we work with on a daily basis.
The ASTONS real estate company is aware of the necessity to make all steps correctly in the event of selling, buying or renting a property. Some of these activities are carried out after the possession of the poproperty has been transferred to new owners or tenants. These steps are related to the rewriting of utility meters, tax settlements, authorities and offices notifications, etc.
The ASTONS real estate company treating its services at a high level also indicates the correct and effective way our clients should take in completing the above-mentioned activities.
We are aware that the actual accomplishment of the sale, purchase or rental of any real estate occurs at the moment of making all the formalities and paperwork that are associated with such a transaction. Therefore, we support our clients with our knowledge and experience also in this after-sales period.
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